We love releasing new features and giving talks about where the Tor Network is going next. Still, it’s good to take stock every now and then, especially when we can share good news.SPf免费翻墙网
The Tor Metrics website provides all sorts of information about the Tor Network, including how fast the network is, or how many daily users it has. The Metrics team recently expanded the Metrics page with a Mozilla grant, strengthening the infrastructure used to collect data.SPf免费翻墙网
One of the things Tor Metrics measures is how many times Tor Browser has been downloaded, and we decided to investigate how the first six months of 2017 measures up to the same time last year. Data from Tor Metrics tells us there was a 1.4 million increase in the number of Tor Browser downloads in the first six months of this year, compared to the same period last year. In all, download numbers increased from 16.1 million to 17.5 million.SPf免费翻墙网
The more Tor, the better
More Tor is good for lots of reasons: it means that journalists, activists, and other privacy-conscious individuals are taking steps to evade internet censorship or stop websites from tracking them as they browse the web. An increase in the number of Tor Browser downloads could also be evidence of some new censorship event, when users circumvent internet censors to access online resources and communities.SPf免费翻墙网
Privacy protections rolled back by the US government in March gave ISPs free reign to collect and sell your private information. We’re delighted that more people are realizing that there’s an alternative to the pervasive tracking and surveillance that many websites, ISPs, and agencies carry out.SPf免费翻墙网
Tor makes every user look the same, and the diversity of our user base is part of what makes Tor strong. The more people who use the network, the better Tor’s anonymity.SPf免费翻墙网
Browser download numbers don’t tell us everything -- we have no way of knowing many of those downloads are repeat downloaders, or for how long they stay using Tor. Those would be privacy-invasive metrics, and we don’t gather such information. But we still think that this number is meaningful, and we’re glad to see it increasing.SPf免费翻墙网
As always, you can download Tor Browser here. Why not make the Tor Network stronger and faster for everyone by running a relay?SPf免费翻墙网
Tor Metrics网站提供有关Tor网络的各种信息,包括网络速度有多快,或者有多少日常用户。 Metrics团队最近通过Mozilla授权扩展了Metrics页面,加强了用于收集数据的基础架构。SPf免费翻墙网
Tor Metrics措施之一是Tor浏览器已经下载了多少次,我们决定调查去年的前六个月如何衡量去年同期。来自Tor Metrics的数据告诉我们,与去年同期相比,今年前六个月Tor浏览器下载次数增加了140万个。总的来说,下载次数从1610万增加到1750万。SPf免费翻墙网
更多的Tor有很多原因:这意味着记者,活动家和其他有隐私意识的人正在采取措施来规避互联网审查,或者阻止网站在浏览网页时对其进行跟踪。 Tor浏览器下载次数的增加也可能是一些新的审查事件的证据,当用户规避互联网审查员访问在线资源和社区时。SPf免费翻墙网
浏览器下载的数字不会告诉我们所有的东西 - 我们无法知道这些下载中的许多是重复下载的,或者他们停留多长时间使用Tor。这些将是隐私侵入性的指标,我们不收集这些信息。但我们仍然认为这个数字是有意义的,我们很高兴看到它增加。SPf免费翻墙网