Tor 的社区驱动模式是抵御这些威胁的最后堡垒之一,为开放网络提供了集体防御。我们社区在对抗网络审查方面取得的最重大进展之一是WebTunnel——一种模仿普通网络流量以隐藏 Tor 流量的新型桥接器。今天也是 WebTunnel 正式推出一周年纪念日,巧合的是,也是我们最近的 WebTunnel 活动的结束。那么,让我们来看看我们取得了什么成就,学到了什么,以及还可以做些什么!SJx免费翻墙网
扩展 WebTunnel:成长和学习的一年
去年 11 月下旬,我们呼吁 Tor 和 Internet Freedom 社区帮助扩大 WebTunnel 桥接器的规模。我们的目标是部署 200 个新的 WebTunnel 桥接器。我们很高兴地报告,我们能够超越我们的目标,成功部署 207 个新的 WebTunnel 桥接器。就在一年前,我们有 60 个 WebTunnel 桥接器,而现在我们有 300 多个。SJx免费翻墙网
我们想感谢为此次活动做出贡献的每一个人。这包括启动 WebTunnel 桥接的每位中继运营商,以及以其他方式做出贡献的运营商。我们收到了来自运营商和其他志愿者的大量宝贵反馈、错误修复和文档注释,以改善用户体验。SJx免费翻墙网
WebTunnel 是一种安全的规避机制,在许多方面都具有颠覆性。以下是我们迄今为止了解到的情况:SJx免费翻墙网
更强的抵抗力:在审查制度严格的地区(如中国、伊朗和俄罗斯),WebTunnel 桥接已被证明可以在其他规避方法(如 obfs4 桥接)被阻止的情况下发挥作用。SJx免费翻墙网
更高性能:这些地区的用户报告了积极的体验,WebTunnel 在速度和可靠性方面通常优于其他桥接类型,因此成为首选。SJx免费翻墙网
更多分析:但是,还需要进一步研究来确定这些改进是 WebTunnel 本身固有的还是受到较低并发用户流量等因素的影响。SJx免费翻墙网
许多运营商提供了宝贵的技术反馈,为成功扩展 WebTunnel 桥接做出了贡献,并帮助完善了未来的部署流程。这是集体行动——在行动。这确实需要一个村庄的共同努力,没有你们,我们不可能做到这一点!SJx免费翻墙网
在接下来的几天里,我们将回复已参加活动的桥梁运营商,以发送 Tor T 恤和贴纸。如果您已设置桥梁但尚未联系我们,请使用与您的桥梁联系信息关联的同一电子邮件地址向frontdesk@torproject.org发送电子邮件。SJx免费翻墙网
参与其中:你可以用 Tor 帮助对抗互联网审查
🪲消除这些错误:如果您有兴趣支持 Tor 浏览器和我们工具的未来,请考虑注册我们的alpha 测试程序,以帮助塑造我们的应用程序并消除一些错误!SJx免费翻墙网
It takes a (Global) Village to Fight CensorshipSJx免费翻墙网
by gus and pavel | March 12, 2025SJx免费翻墙网
It's World Day Against Cyber Censorship, a great occasion to remind ourselves of the early optimism surrounding the internet. Once envisioned as a force for global connection and free-flowing information, the internet has instead (d)evolved into a place where access to knowledge and privacy are increasingly under threat. Big Tech has monopolized its infrastructure, and governments all over the world are too eager to capitalize.SJx免费翻墙网
This unprecedented access to data on citizens has fueled societal polarization, misinformation and disinformation, and online harms. Lack of access to verified, truthful information, the targeting of journalists and their sources to impede the production of truthful news, and online censorship that blocks specific sites and stops people from accessing good information have become rampant.SJx免费翻墙网
Tor's community-driven model is one of the last strongholds against these threats, offering a collective defense of the open web. One of our community's most significant recent advancements in the fight against online censorship has been WebTunnel--a new bridge type that mimics ordinary web traffic to hide Tor traffic in plain sight. Today also marks the one-year anniversary of WebTunnel's official launch, and coincidentally, the end of our recent WebTunnel campaign. So, let's take a look at what we've achieved, what we've learned, and what more can be done!SJx免费翻墙网
Scaling WebTunnel: A year of growth and learning
In late November of last year, we called on the Tor and Internet Freedom community to help scale up WebTunnel bridges. Our goal was to deploy 200 new WebTunnel bridges. We are happy to report that we were able to surpass our goal and successfully deploy 207 new WebTunnel bridges. Exactly one year ago, we had 60 WebTunnel bridges, and we now have more than 300.SJx免费翻墙网
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this campaign. This includes every relay operator who spun up a WebTunnel bridge, and those that contributed in other ways. We have received lots of invaluable feedback from operators and other volunteers, bug fixes and notes on our documentation to improve the user experience.SJx免费翻墙网
WebTunnel is a safe circumvention mechanism for users and has been a game-changer in many ways. Here's what we've learned so far,SJx免费翻墙网
More resistance: In regions with heavy censorship like China, Iran, and Russia, WebTunnel bridges have proven to work where other circumvention methods, such as obfs4 bridges, are blocked.SJx免费翻墙网
More performance: Users in these regions have reported positive experiences, with WebTunnel often outperforming other bridge types in speed and reliability, making it a preferred choice.SJx免费翻墙网
More analysis: However, further research is needed to determine whether these improvements are inherent to WebTunnel itself or influenced by factors like lower concurrent user traffic.SJx免费翻墙网
Many operators have provided invaluable technical feedback, contributing to the successful scaling of WebTunnel bridges and helping refine deployment processes for the future. This is collective action--in action. It truly takes a village and we couldn't have done it without you!SJx免费翻墙网
What's next?
Over the next few days, we will respond to bridge operators who have enrolled in the campaign to send Tor t-shirts and stickers. If you have set up your bridges but haven't reached out to us, please email frontdesk@torproject.org using the same email address associated with your bridge contact information.SJx免费翻墙网
Get Involved: You can help fight Internet censorship with Tor
🌉 More bridges: For everyone reading this and feeling inspired, here's how you can get started today and free the internet by running WebTunnel or obfs4 bridges.SJx免费翻墙网
❄️ Let it snow: With Snowflake, everyday internet users can become censorship fighting allies at the speed of opening a new browser tab.SJx免费翻墙网
🪲 Smash those bugs: If you're interested in supporting the future of Tor Browser and our tools, consider signing up for our alpha testing program to help shape our applications and smash some bugs!SJx免费翻墙网