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时间:2024-02-18  来源:torproject  作者:阿尔史密斯 条评论

原题:谢谢!我们2023年年终筹款结果 🎉Rhn免费翻墙网
by 阿尔史密斯 |2月 14, 2024Rhn免费翻墙网

好消息,Tor 社区!Rhn免费翻墙网

今天,我很高兴与大家分享 Tor 项目 2023 年年终筹款活动的结果。Rhn免费翻墙网

从 2023 年 10 月到 12 月,您响应了支持号召,捐赠了 427,558 美元,为 Tor 网络、Tor 浏览器、洋葱服务、Snowflake 以及 Tor 项目构建和维护的工具和服务生态系统提供支持。Rhn免费翻墙网

我们社区中的每个人都应该非常感谢您在活动期间对 Tor 项目的支持。无论您是捐款、在社交媒体上分享活动,还是向世界宣传使用 Tor 的重要性,您都使我们今年的成功成为可能。然后,您的影响力被 Tor 之友放大,他们在活动期间提供了慷慨的比赛。Rhn免费翻墙网

Tor 项目将如何使用筹集的资金?

  • 在民主年期间捍卫信息获取。到 2024 年,生活在全国大选的地方的人比以往任何时候都多。在过去的十年中,我们已经看到选举事件带来了互联网审查的激增 - 我们预计这些压制言论的策略将在今年被广泛使用。我们已经开始使用筹集的资金进行准备。我们正在密切关注选举的进行,并密切关注审查事件。我们正在举办有关如何使用 Tor 绕过相关社区的审查的培训。并非所有这项工作都是由赠款资助的,我们的社区团队依靠您的贡献来使这项工作成为可能并覆盖更多高危用户。
  • 提高我们实现使命的能力。随着 Tor 项目已经成熟为一个以人权为重点的组织,我们已经成长为应对日益严格的互联网环境的挑战。我们有着共同的雄心勃勃的愿景,即建立一个每个人都能行使隐私权和自由获取信息的世界。为了实现这一愿景,我们需要有适当的基础设施、人员支持和工具才能有效。这包括雇用额外的项目经理、改善我们的捐赠基础设施以及投资工具,以帮助我们的团队专注于实时接触更多用户,在危机时刻支持我们的社区,并增加 Tor 技术在全球范围内的采用。您的捐款使 Tor 项目成为一个强大的组织,可以继续构建重要的隐私和反审查工具。
  • 扩大对 Tor 的全球访问。每一项帮助更多人使用 Tor 的举措都部分由个人捐款推动。您的贡献将用于扩大我们的实时用户支持渠道本地化与社区合作伙伴一起培训以及跟踪全球互联网自由的发展。您还将通过继续为洋葱服务运营商开发管理工具以及支持想要发布洋葱网站的组织来支持洋葱服务的采用;加强 Tor 网络抵御攻击,多年来我们专注于减少网络上的恶意中继活动;用 Rust 重写 Tor,这是一种更安全、更现代的语言,使 Tor 更容易集成到各种应用程序和服务中。

您可以相信您的捐款是辛勤的,而不仅仅是因为我们这么说。Tor 项目是 Charity Navigator 四星级慈善机构,我们获得了 Candid 的白金透明印章。此外,您可以在我们的年度财政年度透明度报告中详细了解我们的所有收入和支出。Rhn免费翻墙网

我们期待与您(我们的社区)继续合作,捍卫隐私权、言论自由和信息获取权。通过订阅我们的时事通讯来了解进度并获取最新的 Tor 新闻Rhn免费翻墙网

Thank you! Our 2023 year-end fundraising results 🎉Rhn免费翻墙网
by alsmith | February 14, 2024

Good news, Tor community!Rhn免费翻墙网

Today I am happy to share the results of the Tor Project’s 2023 year-end fundraising campaign.Rhn免费翻墙网

From October through December 2023, you answered the call for support by contributing $427,558 to power the Tor network, Tor Browser, onion services, Snowflake, and the ecosystem of tools and services built and maintained by the Tor Project.Rhn免费翻墙网

Everyone in our community deserves a big THANK YOU for supporting the Tor Project during the campaign. Whether you made a donation, shared the campaign on social media, or spread the world about the importance of using Tor, you have made our success this year possible. Your impact was then amplified by the Friends of Tor who provided the generous match during the campaign.Rhn免费翻墙网

How will the Tor Project spend the money raised?

  • Defending access to information during the Year of Democracy. In 2024, more people are living in a place with a national election than ever before. Over the last decade, we've seen that election events bring spikes in internet censorship -- and we're expecting that these tactics of suppressing speech will be used widely this year. We’ve already begun to use funds raised to prepare. We're monitoring elections as they take place and watching for events of censorship. We're holding trainings on how to use Tor to bypass censorship to relevant communities. Not all of this work is funded by grants, and our community team relies on your contributions to make this work possible and reach more at-risk users.
  • Increasing our capacity to achieve our mission. As the Tor Project has matured into a human-rights focused organization, we have grown to meet the challenges of an increasingly restrictive internet landscape. We share the ambitious vision of a world where everyone is able to exercise their right to privacy and access information freely. To achieve this vision, we need to have the proper infrastructure, staff support, and tools to be effective. That includes things like hiring an additional project manager, improving our donation infrastructure, and investing in tools that will help our team focus on reaching more users in real-time, support our community in moments of crises, and increase adoption of Tor technology globally. Your donation keeps the Tor Project a strong organization that can continue to build vital privacy and anti-censorship tools.
  • Expanding global access to Tor. Every initiative to help more people use Tor is powered in part by individual donations. Your contributions will go towards expanding our live user support channels, localization, training with community partners, and tracking the development of internet freedom around the world. You’ll also be supporting onion service adoption by continuing our development of administration tools for onion service operators and support of organizations that want to release onion sites; strengthening the Tor network against attacks in our multi-year focus on reducing malicious relay activity on the network; and re-writing Tor in Rust, a safer, more modern language that makes Tor easier to integrate in a variety of applications and services.

You can trust that your donations are hard at work – and not just because we say so. The Tor Project is a Charity Navigator Four-Star Charity, and we’ve earned Candid’s Platinum Seal of Transparency. Plus, you can read in detail about all of our revenue and expenses in our annual fiscal year transparency reports.Rhn免费翻墙网

We look forward to our continued collaboration with you, our community, to stand up for the human right to privacy, freedom of expression, and access to information. Keep up with progress and get the latest Tor news by subscribing to our newsletter.Rhn免费翻墙网

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