Tor Messenger is a cross-platform chat program that aims to be secure by default and sends all of its traffic over Tor. It supports a wide variety of transport networks, including XMPP, IRC, Twitter, and others; enables Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging automatically; has an easy-to-use graphical user interface; and a secure automatic updater.1OP免费翻墙网
We are pleased to announce another public beta release of Tor Messenger that features important improvements to its stability and security. All users are encouraged to upgrade.1OP免费翻墙网
Mozilla ESR52
This release of Tor Messenger is based on Firefox ESR52, specifically tor-browser-52.3.0esr-7.0-1-build1 and THUNDERBIRD_52_3_0_RELEASE on comm-central .1OP免费翻墙网
Deterministic Builds
Tor Messenger builds are now reproducible for Windows and macOS as well; earlier, only Linux builds were reproducible (#10942). This means that anyone building Tor Messenger from source should end up with identical byte-for-byte binaries to the ones we release. To get started with building Tor Messenger (something we encourage!), please refer to the instructions in the file. Since this is a fairly involved process, talk to us on IRC or the comments section below if you need help.1OP免费翻墙网
XMPP Improvements
This version of Tor Messenger introduces temporary XMPP accounts (a feature inspired by ChatSecure) that creates an XMPP account automatically with a random username and password (#16606). This helps you to quickly set up an account and get a conversation started without requiring you to bother with the registration or account details. These accounts don't expire automatically but the intent is that you can use them as throwaway accounts and quickly create new ones when required. (Note: Currently, some data remains after deleting an account. See #23675)1OP免费翻墙网
Starting with this release, Tor Messenger will attempt to automatically use the onion service for known XMPP servers which helps improve the security of your connection (#13855). The current list includes onion addresses for,,, and We plan to add more servers in the subsequent releases. (Note: Existing accounts remain unchanged. This setting is only applied during new account setup.)1OP免费翻墙网
Other Notable Changes
Tor Messenger for Linux is now built with Selfrando for hardened builds (#22229). For more information on Selfrando, please refer to the Q and A with Georg.1OP免费翻墙网
This release also fixes the Tor Messenger crash on Windows XP that prevented it from starting (#17469).1OP免费翻墙网
Please note that Tor Messenger is still in beta. The purpose of this release is to help test the application and provide feedback. At-risk users should not depend on it for their privacy and safety.1OP免费翻墙网
Linux (32-bit)1OP免费翻墙网
Linux (64-bit)1OP免费翻墙网
The sha256sums-signed-build.txt file containing hashes of the bundles is signed with the key 0xB01C8B006DA77FAA (fingerprint: E4AC D397 5427 A5BA 8450 A1BE B01C 8B00 6DA7 7FAA ). Please verify the fingerprint from the signing keys page on Tor Project's website.1OP免费翻墙网
Tor Messenger 0.5.0b1 -- September 28, 20171OP免费翻墙网
- All Platforms
- Use the tor-browser-52.3.0esr-7.0-1-build1 tag on tor-browser
- Use the THUNDERBIRD_52_3_0_RELEASE tag on comm-esr52
- Update tor-browser to 7.0.5
- Update tor-launcher to
- Trac 22005: Move to ESR 52
- Trac 16606: Temporary XMPP accounts
- Trac 13855: Use known onions for XMPP servers
- Linux
- Mac
- Windows
- Trac 17469: Tor Messenger is not working on Windows XP
- Trac 10942: Deterministic builds for Instantbird