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时间:2024-02-17  来源:torproject  作者:ggus 条评论

原题:在 2024 年选举季与 Tor 一起捍卫互联网自由e0c免费翻墙网
由 ggus |2月 6, 2024e0c免费翻墙网
2024 年的互联网自由之战e0c免费翻墙网
2022 年,Access Now 的关闭跟踪器优化项目 (STOP) 和 #KeepItOn 联盟在 35 个国家/地区记录了 187 起互联网审查事件。这些事件的范围从社交媒体封锁到互联网中断。在14个国家,审查事件发生后,有记录在案的侵犯人权行为,详见《立即获取》年度报告。互联网审查制度经常成为其他侵犯人权行为的早期指标。e0c免费翻墙网
网络干扰开放观察站 - OONI记录了多个国家围绕选举的互联网审查。重点关注选举期间的最新和全国性事件,其中包括哈萨克斯坦的节流(2023 年)、赞比亚的社交媒体封锁(2021 年)、乌干达的互联网完全中断(2020 年)和坦桑尼亚的社交媒体封锁(2019 年)。e0c免费翻墙网
在这种背景下,数字权利和其他人权已经在许多地方受到攻击,而这些攻击可能会因本轮选举而进一步加剧,Tor可以保护和捍卫我们自由获取信息和表达自己的权利。Tor 驱动的应用程序提供一定程度的匿名性,可以保护用户免受监视,使他们能够自由安全地访问互联网。e0c免费翻墙网
与商业 VPN 提供商不同,商业 VPN 提供商也可以帮助某人访问被阻止的内容,Tor 作为一个去中心化和社区驱动的网络运行。这是一项非商业服务,免费且开源,每个人都可以使用。在非民主政权的国家,政府可以监控他们认为可疑的商业交易,包括购买VPN以绕过审查制度,一些VPN公司拒绝在合法性或盈利限制损害其底线的领域开展业务。相比之下,Tor 对所有人免费,并由一个非营利组织建立,该非营利组织以促进人权为使命,而不是股东或金钱。e0c免费翻墙网
在大多数国家/地区,人们可以使用 Tor 连接到互联网。但是,在政府和互联网提供商正在部署深度数据包检测(DPI)和其他审查技术的国家,他们正试图阻止Tor,因为它使人们能够获得自由访问信息的权利。例如,在中国、白俄罗斯、埃及、俄罗斯、伊朗、土库曼斯坦和其他国家,用户需要使用 Tor 桥才能使用 Tor。有关审查军备竞赛的概述,请观看我们的联合创始人 Roger Dingledine 在 #37C3 上的演讲:俄罗斯、伊朗、土库曼斯坦的 Tor 审查尝试。e0c免费翻墙网
在这个选举的大周期中,有可能保护自己免受在线审查和监视。如果您所在的国家/地区即将举行选举,您可以通过下载 Tor 驱动的应用程序(如 Tor 浏览器、洋葱浏览器、Orbot、Tails 和 OnionShare)来做好准备。在选举前下载这些应用程序很重要,因为审查员可以在选举日之前阻止这些网站。如果您无法连接到 Tor 并怀疑这是因为审查员阻止了 Tor 网络,请联系 Tor 用户支持。e0c免费翻墙网
您可以通过为 Tor 网络的去中心化、社区驱动性质做出贡献来帮助捍卫互联网自由。以下是一些对即将到来的“民主年”非常重要的志愿者机会:e0c免费翻墙网
运行 Tor Snowflake 代理并推广它:安装 Snowflake 浏览器插件,以帮助来自高度审查地区的用户连接到 Tor。拥有超过 150,000 个代理,仍然需要更多样化的 Snowflake 独立代理。虽然其他 Tor Snowflake 用户会使用您的计算机访问 Tor,但他们不会使用您的 IP 地址退出互联网;取而代之的是,使用 Tor 出口节点的 IP 地址。e0c免费翻墙网
运行 Tor 网桥:对于那些精通技术或想了解如何运行 Tor 中继的人,Tor 中继操作员社区页面提供了部署 obfs4 和 WebTunnel 网桥的指南。运营商可以通过在这些国家选举之前运行桥梁来提供帮助。e0c免费翻墙网
如果你能在一整年内运行桥梁和 Tor Snowflake,那就太好了,但是,如果你没有足够的资源,在这些国家选举前一周运行一座桥梁可以帮助许多用户规避审查制度。请记住加入 tor-relays 邮件列表、参与 Tor 论坛、遵守我们的政策并参与我们的 Matrix/IRC 聊天,成为 Tor 社区的一员!e0c免费翻墙网
与您的社区一起组织 Tor 培训或要求我们这样做:如果您是位于全球南方的人权组织的一员,并且担心在线审查和监视,请联系我们与您的员工一起进行 Tor 培训:training@torproject.org。不幸的是,今年不提供个人培训支持。e0c免费翻墙网
记录在线审查:监控和记录互联网审查有助于 Tor 开发人员和反审查社区了解互联网被封锁的位置和部分。如果您怀疑正在发生一些互联网审查或 Tor 被阻止,OONI 可以提供测量来帮助确认您的怀疑。e0c免费翻墙网
倡导反对互联网关闭:请考虑加入 #KeepItOn 联盟,并分享您个人如何受到互联网关闭的影响。e0c免费翻墙网
Defend Internet Freedom with Tor in 2024 elections seasone0c免费翻墙网
by ggus | February 6, 2024e0c免费翻墙网

The Battle for Internet Freedom in 2024

This year, with more than 65 elections happening around the world, Internet freedom may be at risk. Some organizations have called it the Year of Democracy. Simultaneously, there is a rising concern that during these many electoral processes, governments around the world will block access to the Internet in their countries. They may also censor media outlets, persecute and harass journalists, and block social media platforms and messaging apps. Under the justification of protecting national security, surveillance and online censorship can compromise and undermine the integrity, fairness, and transparency of elections.e0c免费翻墙网

In 2022, Access Now's Shutdown Tracker Optimization Project (STOP) and the #KeepItOn coalition recorded 187 instances of Internet censorship events across 35 countries. These events ranged from social media blocks to internet outages. In 14 of these countries, censorship events were followed by documented human rights abuses, as detailed in the Access Now annual report. Internet censorship frequently acts as an early indicator of other violations of human rights.e0c免费翻墙网

The Open Observatory of Network Interference - OONI has documented Internet censorship around the elections in multiple countries. Focusing on the most recent and national events during the elections, these include throttling in Kazakhstan (2023), social media blocks in Zambia (2021), a complete Internet outage in Uganda (2020), and social media block in Tanzania (2019).e0c免费翻墙网

In this context, where digital rights and other human rights are already under attack in many places, and these attacks could potentially be furthered by this round of elections, Tor can protect and defend our right to freely access information and express ourselves. Tor-powered apps offer a level of anonymity that protects users from surveillance, enabling them to access the internet freely and securely.e0c免费翻墙网

Unlike commercial VPN providers, which can also help someone to access blocked content, Tor operates as a decentralized and community-driven network. It's a non-commercial service, free and open-source, making it accessible to everyone. In countries with non-democratic regimes, governments can monitor commercial transactions they deem suspicious, including the purchase of VPNs to bypass censorship, and some VPN companies refuse to operate in areas where legality or profitability restrictions hurt their bottom line. By contrast, Tor is free for everyone, and built by a nonprofit that is guided by a mission to advance human rights--not by shareholders or money.e0c免费翻墙网

In most countries, people can use Tor to connect to the Internet. But, in countries where governments and Internet providers are deploying Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and other censorship tech, they're trying to block Tor because it enables people to access their right to free access to information. For example, in China, Belarus, Egypt, Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan and other countries, users will need to use a Tor bridge in order to use Tor. For an overview about the censorship arms race, watch our co-founder Roger Dingledine's presentation at #37C3: Tor censorship attempts in Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan.e0c免费翻墙网

Prepare Yourself Before an Election Cycle

During this megacycle of elections, it is possible to defend yourself against online censorship and surveillance. If the elections are coming up in your country, you can prepare yourself by downloading Tor-powered apps like Tor Browser, Onion Browser, Orbot, Tails, and OnionShare. It's important to download these apps before the elections, because the censors can block these websites just before the election day. If you can't connect to Tor and suspect that it's because censors are blocking the Tor network, please contact Tor user support.e0c免费翻墙网

Volunteer to Defend Internet Freedom

You can help defend Internet freedom by contributing to the decentralized, community-driven nature of the Tor network. Here are some volunteer opportunities that are very important for the coming "Year of Democracy":e0c免费翻墙网

  • Run a Tor Snowflake proxy and promote it: Install the Snowflake browser add-on to help users from highly-censored regions to connect to Tor. With over 150,000 proxies, there is still need for more diverse and Snowflake standalone proxies. While other Tor Snowflake users will use your computer to access Tor, they won't exit to the Internet using your IP address; instead, Tor's exit nodes' IP addresses are used.e0c免费翻墙网

  • Run a Tor bridge: For those who are tech-savvy or want to learn about running Tor relays, the Tor Relay Operator Community page provides the guides to deploy obfs4 and WebTunnel bridges. Operators can help by running bridges before these countries elections.e0c免费翻墙网

It would be great if you could run bridges and Tor Snowflake during the whole year, however, if you don't have enough resources, running a bridge the week before the elections of these countries can help many users to circumvent censorship. Remember to become a part of the Tor community by joining the tor-relays mailing list, participating in the Tor Forum, following our policies, and engaging in our Matrix/IRC chat!e0c免费翻墙网

  • Organize Tor trainings with your community or ask us to do so: If you're part of a human rights organization based in the Global South and are concerned about online censorship and surveillance, contact us for a Tor training with your staff: training@torproject.org. Unfortunately, individual training support isn't available this year.e0c免费翻墙网

  • Document online censorship: Monitoring and documenting Internet censorship helps Tor developers and the anti-censorship community understand where and what piece of Internet is blocked. If you suspect that some Internet censorship is happening or Tor is blocked, OONI can provide measurements to help confirm your suspicion.e0c免费翻墙网

  • Advocate against Internet shutdowns: Please consider joining the #KeepItOn Coalition and share how you are personally impacted by Internet shutdowns.e0c免费翻墙网

Finally, defending Internet freedom is not just about preserving the integrity of elections; it's about upholding the democratic values and rights that form the foundation of societies.e0c免费翻墙网

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