许 多知名的社交服务网站,比如twitter,facebook,以及youtube等,是企业和个人对外宣传的好帮手。但有时你会遇到理想的用户名已被抢 注的情况,很让人头疼。不同的服务商在解决此类争端的态度不同,拿twitter来说,它有一整套的用户名争端解决机制,一般只要用户提出合理的申 请,twitter客服会做出非常及时高效的回复。换作是其他的网站,待遇或许就大不相同了,你要靠运气办事。xiw免费翻墙网
如果你已经是推特用户了,你需要把商标注册号和个人/公司信息一起提供给推特。推特会根据争议账户的实际情况做出合理判定。如果你还不是推特的用户,你仍然可以提交商标争议报告。注册商标的持有人可以通过填写指定表格,发送给推特维权小组。https://support.twitter.com/forms/trademark 对于推特的商标政策,请参阅: https://support.twitter.com/articles/18367# 除了推特,其他社交网络也有类似的商标政策,以保护商标持有人。
(二)下面说说我们是怎么找回 fanqiangdang.com 团队官方Twitter账号 @fanqiangdang的:
@fanqiangdang 早前2012年被革命党人注册作为私人号,发过几个推文,很多年没用。我们联系@过他的所有革命党人无果。这是背景。
This is an AUTOMATED response from our support system.
Law enforcement or government officials must respond directly to this email to confirm submission of any inquiry or request for security reasons. Your inquiry or request will NOT be reviewed until you respond.
Please include all information in the body of your email, as our system removes attachments for security purposes.xiw免费翻墙网
As noted in our Guidelines for Law Enforcement, we accept legal process via fax or mail at the following address:
Twitter, Inc.xiw免费翻墙网
c/o Trust & Safety - Legal Policyxiw免费翻墙网
1355 Market Street, Suite 900xiw免费翻墙网
San Francisco, CA 94103xiw免费翻墙网
Fax: 1-415-222-9958 (attn: Trust & Safety - Legal Policy)
Twitter International Companyxiw免费翻墙网
c/o Trust & Safety - Legal Policyxiw免费翻墙网
42 Pearse Streetxiw免费翻墙网
Dublin 2xiw免费翻墙网
Fax: 1-415-222-9958 (attn: Trust & Safety - Legal Policy)
Acceptance of legal process by facsimile is for our convenience only and does not waive any objections, including the lack of jurisdiction or proper service.
For other requests, including impersonation, trademark, copyright, or support questions, please use the forms located on our Help Center.
The account you have reported does not violate our impersonation policy, (The account you have reported is currently inactive. )but it is currently inactive. We can release this username for your brand's use by transferring the username to a Twitter account that you manage. We can either rename an account you currently have or transfer the username to a new placeholder account that you create.
To proceed with the transfer, simply reply to this email with the username of the account you want renamed with the requested username. This could be an existing Twitter account that you want renamed or a new placeholder account (for example, twitter.com/temp123 or @temp123). Once we receive the username for the existing account you want renamed or placeholder account, we will apply the requested username to it.
A username transfer only changes the username of your account. All the existing content on your existing or placeholder account (followers, Tweets) will remain intact. Similarly, a username change will not affect your existing followers, direct messages, or @replies. Your followers will simply see a new username next to your picture when you Tweet. Since other users will need to @mention and message you at your new username, you may find it helpful to post a Tweet to let your followers know that you've selected a new username.
After the transfer, your previous or temporary placeholder username will be released immediately for use by other accounts.
Safety tip: We strongly advise you to use an email address at your company’s official domain with your Twitter account. This makes it much easier for us to help you if you should encounter issues with your account in the future. To learn how to change the email address of a Twitter account, see https://support.twitter.com/articles/15356.
Thank you,
Twitter Trust & Safety
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’ve now associated the username with the account you specified.
If you’re using email addresses from your official company domain, please be sure the accounts are registered with emails at that domain. This makes it much easier to assist you if you lose access to any of your accounts in the future.
1、向twitter申诉用户名纠纷时,尽量使用你网站的服务邮箱。此例中,我们就是用admin@fanqiangdang.com 这个邮箱申诉的,借以证明你是网站的所有人。xiw免费翻墙网