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Tor Browser 7.0.9 is released

时间:2017-11-07  来源:torproject  作者:gk 条评论

Note: Tor Browser 7.0.9 is a security bugfix release for macOS and Linux users only. Users on Windows are not affected and stay on Tor Browser免费翻墙网

Tor Browser 7.0.9 is now available for our macOS and Linux users from the Tor Browser Project page and also from our distribution directory.23Q免费翻墙网

This release features an important security update to Tor Browser for macOS and Linux users. Due to a Firefox bug in handling file:// URLs it is possible on both systems that users leak their IP address (note: as of Nov. 4, 2017, this link is non-public while Mozilla works on a fix for Firefox). Once an affected user navigates to a specially crafted URL the operating system may directly connect to the remote host, bypassing Tor Browser. Tails users and users of our sandboxed-tor-browser are unaffected, though.23Q免费翻墙网

The bug got reported to us on Thursday, October 26, by Filippo Cavallarin. We created a workaround with the help of Mozilla engineers on the next day which, alas, fixed the leak only partially. We developed an additional fix on Tuesday, October 31, plugging all known holes. We are not aware of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild. Thanks to everyone who helped during this process!23Q免费翻墙网

We are currently preparing updated macOS and Linux bundles for our alpha series which will be tentatively available on Monday, November 6. Meanwhile macOS and Linux users on that series are strongly encouraged to use the stable bundles or one of the above mentioned tools that are not affected by the underlying problem.23Q免费翻墙网
Update: Tor Browser 7.5a7 has now been released.23Q免费翻墙网

Known issues: The fix we deployed is just a workaround stopping the leak. As a result of that navigating file:// URLs in the browser might not work as expected anymore. In particular entering file:// URLs in the URL bar and clicking on resulting links is broken. Opening those in a new tab or new window does not work either. A workaround for those issues is dragging the link into the URL bar or on a tab instead. We track this follow-up regression in bug 24136.23Q免费翻墙网

Here is the full changelog since 7.0.8:23Q免费翻墙网

  • OS X
    • Bug 24052: Streamline handling of file:// resources
  • Linux
    • Bug 24052: Streamline handling of file:// resources


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