Tor 浏览器 13.0a1 现在可以从 Tor 浏览器下载页面和我们的发行版目录中获得。zwN免费翻墙网
此版本将 Firefox 更新到 115.0.2esr,包括错误修复、稳定性改进和重要的安全更新。这是一个仅限桌面平台的版本(Windows,macOS和Linux),但Android应该在未来几周内可用。zwN免费翻墙网
这是我们在 13.0 系列中的第一个 alpha 版本,代表了从 Firefox 102-esr 到 Firefox 115-esr 的过渡。这是建立在一年的上游Firefox更改的基础上的,因此alpha测试人员应该会遇到问题。如果您发现任何问题,请在我们的 gitlab 或 Tor 项目论坛上报告。zwN免费翻墙网
我们已经开始了一年一度的 esr 过渡审计,我们回顾了 Mozilla 一年的工作,着眼于会对 Tor 浏览器用户产生负面影响的隐私和安全问题。这将在我们将 13.0 alpha 系列转换为稳定系列之前完成。有风险的用户应保留在基于 102-esr 的 12.5 稳定系列上,该系列将继续接收安全更新,直到 13.0 alpha 提升为稳定版。zwN免费翻墙网
自 Tor 浏览器 12.5a7 以来的完整更新日志是:zwN免费翻墙网
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- Windows + macOS + Linux
- 构建系统
New Alpha Release: Tor Browser 13.0a1 (Windows, macOS, Linux)
by richardzwN免费翻墙网
Tor Browser 13.0a1 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.zwN免费翻墙网
This release updates Firefox to 115.0.2esr, including bug fixes, stability improvements and important security updates. This is a Desktop platform only release (Windows, macOS, and Linux), but Android should be available in the coming weeks.zwN免费翻墙网
This is our first alpha release in the 13.0 series and represents a transition from Firefox 102-esr to Firefox 115-esr. This builds on a year's worth of upstream Firefox changes, so alpha-testers should expect to run into issues. If you find any issues, please report them on our gitlab or on the Tor Project forum.zwN免费翻墙网
We have started our annual esr transition audit, where we review Mozilla's year's worth of work with an eye for privacy and security issues that would negatively affect Tor Browser users. This will be completed before we transition the 13.0 alpha series to stable. At-risk users should remain on the 102-esr based 12.5 stable series which will continue to receive security updates until 13.0 alpha is promoted to stable.zwN免费翻墙网
We would like to thank volunteer contributor cypherpunks1 for their fixes for tor-browser#26277, tor-browser#33955, tor-browser#41399, and tor-browser#41791. If you would like to contribute, our issue tracker can be found here.zwN免费翻墙网
Full changelog
The full changelog since Tor Browser 12.5a7 is:zwN免费翻墙网
- All Platforms
- Windows + macOS + Linux
- Build System
- All Platforms
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- Linux