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New Release: Tails 4.22

时间:2021-09-10  来源:torproject  作者:tails 条评论

In Tails 4.22, we focused on solving the most important issues in the Tor Connection assistant to make it more robust and easier to use.3Su免费翻墙网

Changes and updates

Included software and hardware support

  • Update Tor Browser to 10.5.6.
  • Update Thunderbird to 78.13.
  • Update the AMD graphics firmware to 20210818. This should improve the support for some AMD graphics cards.

Tor Connection

  • Change the custom bridge interface to only allow entering 1 bridge. (#18550)3Su免费翻墙网
    People had troubles knowing how to enter their custom bridges when the widget was a textarea and only the first bridge is used anyway.
  • Allow saving 1 custom bridge in the Persistent Storage. (#5461)
  • Allow fixing the clock manually when connecting to Tor using bridges fails. (#15548)3Su免费翻墙网
    This helps people East from London connect to Tor using obfs4 bridges and makes connecting to Tor more robust in general.
  • Reduce the timeout that determines whether we can connect to Tor at all from 30 seconds to 10 seconds. Increase the timeout to start Tor entirely from 120 seconds to 600 seconds. (#18501).3Su免费翻墙网
    Tor Connection now fails quicker when it's impossible to connect to Tor, while being more robust on slow Internet connections.
  • Allow trying again to connect to Tor from the error screen. (#18539)

Unsafe Browser

  • Stop restarting Tor when exiting the Unsafe Browser. (#18562)
  • Only mention the Persistent Storage in the Unsafe Browser warning when there is already a Persistent Storage. (#18551)


  • Make sure that automatic upgrades are downloaded from a working mirror. (#15755)
  • Add Russian to the offline documentation included in Tails.

Fixed problems

Tor Connection

  • Fix connecting to Tor using the default bridges. (#18462)
  • Fix connecting to Tor when the Wi-Fi settings are saved in the Persistent Storage. (#18532)
  • Stop trying to connect to Tor in the background when Tor Connection reaches the error screen. (#18740)

For more details, read our changelog.3Su免费翻墙网

Known issues

None specific to this release.3Su免费翻墙网
See the list of long-standing issues.3Su免费翻墙网

Get Tails 4.22

To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:3Su免费翻墙网

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of upgrading.3Su免费翻墙网

To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails 4.22 directly:3Su免费翻墙网

What's coming up?

Tails 4.23 is scheduled for October 5.3Su免费翻墙网
Have a look at our roadmap to see where we are heading to.3Su免费翻墙网

Support and feedback

For support and feedback, visit the Support section on the Tails website.3Su免费翻墙网

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