Tor Browser 9.5a2 is now available from the Tor Browser Alpha download page and also from our distribution directory.cws免费翻墙网
Note: this is an alpha release, an experimental version for users who want to help us test new features. For everyone else, we recommend downloading the latest stable release instead.cws免费翻墙网
This new alpha release contains various bug fixes and improvements. Among them, we improved the letterboxing experience. Additionally, we added a banner on the starting page for our fundraising campaign Take Back the Internet with Tor.cws免费翻墙网
Known Issue
As with the stable release, we currently have a reproducible build issue. We recently made some progress on the issue and are getting closer to having a fix.cws免费翻墙网
The full changelog since Tor Browser 9.5a1 is:cws免费翻墙网
- All Platforms
- Update NoScript to 11.0.7
- Bug 21004: Don't block JavaScript on onion services on medium security
- Bug 27307: NoScript marks HTTP onions as not secure
- Bug 30783: Fundraising banner for EOY 2019 campain
- Bug 32321: Don't ping Mozilla for Man-in-the-Middle-detection
- Bug 32318: Backport Mozilla's fix for bug 1534339
- Bug 32250: Backport enhanced letterboxing support (bug 1546832 and 1556017)
- Bug 31573: Catch SessionStore.jsm exception
- Bug 27268: Preferences clean-up
- Windows + OS X + Linux
- Update Tor to
- Update Tor Launcher to
- Bug 32164: Trim each received log line from tor
- Translations update
- Bug 31803: Replaced about:debugging logo with flat version
- Bug 31764: Fix for error when navigating via 'Paste and go'
- Bug 32169: Fix TB9 Wikipedia address bar search
- Bug 32210: Hide the tor pane when using a system tor
- Bug 31658: Use builtin --panel-disabled-color for security level text
- Bug 32188: Fix localization on about:preferences#tor
- Bug 32184: Red dot is shown while downloading an update
- Bug 27604: Fix broken Tor Browser after moving it to a different directory
- Bug 32220: Improve the letterboxing experience
- Bug 30683: Backport upstreamed fix from Mozilla (bug 1581537)
- Android
- Build System
- All Platforms
- Android
- Bug 28803: Integrate building Pluggable Transports for Android