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Reflecting on How We Plant and Grow Onions

时间:2023-03-11  来源:torproject  作者:raya 条评论

In February of 2022 we launched a small team within the Tor Project called the Onion Support group. It was initiated with the simple goal to increase onion service adoption among civil society groups, human rights organizations, and news media outlets.VPr免费翻墙网

What drove us to create the group was realizing that onion services were not being used to their fullest extent and their features were not well understood among those promoting human rights. More importantly, there's not enough support and guidance for groups around the world who want to set up their own onion site.VPr免费翻墙网

With support from the Open Technology Fund, we have been able to assist a number of organizations to learn about the world of onions and set up their own onion service. We supported organizations by deploying the onion service on their behalf and then handing it over to them, but for organizations with the technical capacity we provide high-level support for onion service deployment. We also trained team members on everything to do with Tor and co-created advocacy campaigns around the Tor network and onion services.VPr免费翻墙网

As a result, today, more and more organizations have a ".onion available" purple pill appear as you're visiting their site on Tor Browser.VPr免费翻墙网

Tools to make Onion Services more widely available

In parallel to the above, we published open source tools to support onion services development more generally, including:VPr免费翻墙网

  1. Onionprobe, which is an open source tool to monitor the status and uptime of an Onion Service and enables service operators to diagnose issues: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobeDebian packageArch Linux package
  2. Onion Launchpad, a customizable landing page that explains to a general audience how to download Tor Browser, connect to Tor, and access a specified Onion Service (content is being translated in over 61 languages): https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onion-launchpad
  3. Onionmine, a handy wrapper to organize vanity addresses and TLS certificates generation for Onion Services: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionmine.

Advocating for Onion Services

We've also been using this time to reflect on how we talk about onions and how we promote their use in a rational and responsible manner. One way we like to frame onion services is that they're currently the most censorship resistant technology out there. In one sense, it's technically untrue because as long as a user does not have access to the Tor network they won't be able to access any onion service. But what we mean by censorship resistance comes from the fact that the onion address itself is not censorable. No Internet provider or government can detect the connection to the service and block access to it, which in our view enforces the resistance against censorship.VPr免费翻墙网

Moreover, when connecting to an onion service, you can be sure that the communication is end-to-end encrypted with no metadata recorded on your activity. You are also contributing to the decentralized Web since, to launch an onion service, you don't need a static IP address or purchase a domain; in fact an onion address is basically a public key.VPr免费翻墙网

A border-less country-agnostic space

One thought experiment we've been toying with is thinking of this onion space as a border-less country-agnostic space. When accessing a website over VPN, you're exiting from the VPN server which is located in a specific country, and the experience of navigating that website will differ based on which country you're visiting it from (i.e. where the VPN server is located). When accessing a website over Tor, this depends on where the exit node is located. When accessing an Onion Service on the other hand, you're not "exiting" from anywhere, rather you're meeting the website inside the Tor network.VPr免费翻墙网

There are positives to thinking about Onion services this way:VPr免费翻墙网

  • A country-agnostic visit implies one that removes risks and pressures put forward by different jurisdictions (similar to risks VPN providers and Tor exit nodes face).
  • A border-less Internet is akin to a quiet and peaceful room away from the noise bustling outside of the Tor network and on the "regular" Internet.

Finally, onion services offer maximum harm reduction when compared to visiting a regular site or visiting a site over Tor. There are multiple cases of people prosecuted over digital evidence - particularly metadata and IP information - that can only be avoided if people used onion counterparts to websites (obviously you would need to avoid logging in to an account which contains your real name or accounts you've logged in previously outside Tor exposing your IP and other information).VPr免费翻墙网

On a personal level, I find that sharing a .onion address with a friend or colleague is a way to gently influence them to open and browse a site using only the Tor Browser. This way I can guarantee that they're not going to visit it on a regular browser, risk being uncovered for visiting sensitive content, and expose themselves to a slew of threats as a result.VPr免费翻墙网

If you or your organization is interested in learning more about onions and onion support, please contact us through this form: https://nc.torproject.net/apps/forms/s/bGswKTbTj8ikYb4oPen9W9ig. You can also ask questions and start a discussion on The Tor Project Forum.VPr免费翻墙网

Additional resources:

2022 年 2 月,我们在 Tor 项目中成立了一个名为洋葱支持小组的小团队。 它的发起目标很简单,即提高民间社会团体、人权组织和新闻媒体机构对洋葱服务的采用率。VPr免费翻墙网
促使我们创建该小组的原因是,我们意识到洋葱服务并未得到充分利用,而且促进人权的人士并未很好地理解它们的特点。 更重要的是,对于世界各地想要建立自己的洋葱网站的团体来说,没有足够的支持和指导。VPr免费翻墙网
在开放技术基金的支持下,我们已经能够帮助许多组织了解洋葱的世界并建立他们自己的洋葱服务。 我们通过代表他们部署洋葱服务然后将其移交给他们来支持组织,但对于具有技术能力的组织,我们为洋葱服务部署提供高级支持。 我们还对团队成员进行了与 Tor 相关的一切培训,并围绕 Tor 网络和洋葱服务共同开展了宣传活动。VPr免费翻墙网
因此,今天,当您在 Tor 浏览器上访问他们的网站时,越来越多的组织会出现“.onion available”紫色药丸。VPr免费翻墙网
Onionprobe,这是一个开源工具,用于监控 Onion 服务的状态和正常运行时间,并使服务运营商能够诊断问题:https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionprobe,Debian 软件包,Arch Linux 软件包VPr免费翻墙网
Onion Launchpad,一个可定制的登陆页面,向普通观众解释如何下载 Tor 浏览器、连接到 Tor 和访问指定的 Onion 服务(内容被翻译成超过 61 种语言):https://gitlab.torproject.org/ tpo/洋葱服务/洋葱发射台VPr免费翻墙网
Onionmine,一个方便的包装器,用于为洋葱服务组织虚地址和 TLS 证书生成:https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onionmine。VPr免费翻墙网
我们也一直在利用这段时间反思我们如何谈论洋葱以及我们如何以理性和负责任的方式促进它们的使用。 我们喜欢构建洋葱服务的一种方式是,它们是目前最能抵抗审查的技术。 从某种意义上说,这在技术上是不正确的,因为只要用户无法访问 Tor 网络,他们就无法访问任何洋葱服务。 但我们所说的抗审查的意思是洋葱地址本身是不可审查的。 没有互联网提供商或政府可以检测到与该服务的连接并阻止对其的访问,我们认为这加强了对审查制度的抵制。VPr免费翻墙网
此外,当连接到洋葱服务时,您可以确保通信是端到端加密的,并且不会在您的活动中记录任何元数据。 您也在为去中心化网络做出贡献,因为要启动洋葱服务,您不需要静态 IP 地址或购买域名; 事实上,洋葱地址基本上就是一个公钥。VPr免费翻墙网
我们一直在玩弄的一个思想实验是将这个洋葱空间视为一个无国界的不可知论空间。 当通过 VPN 访问网站时,您将从位于特定国家/地区的 VPN 服务器退出,并且根据您从哪个国家/地区访问该网站(即 VPN 服务器所在的位置),浏览该网站的体验会有所不同 ). 通过 Tor 访问网站时,这取决于出口节点所在的位置。 另一方面,当访问洋葱服务时,您不会从任何地方“退出”,而是会遇到 Tor 网络内的网站。VPr免费翻墙网
与国家无关的访问意味着可以消除不同司法管辖区提出的风险和压力(类似于 VPN 提供商和 Tor 出口节点面临的风险)。VPr免费翻墙网
无边界互联网类似于一个安静祥和的房间,远离 Tor 网络和“常规”互联网之外的喧嚣。VPr免费翻墙网
最后,与访问常规站点或通过 Tor 访问站点相比,洋葱服务可最大程度地减少危害。 有很多人因数字证据而被起诉的案例——尤其是元数据和 IP 信息——只有当人们使用网站的洋葱对应物时才能避免这种情况(显然你需要避免登录包含你真实姓名的帐户或你的帐户) 之前已经在 Tor 外部登录,暴露了您的 IP 和其他信息)。VPr免费翻墙网
在个人层面上,我发现与朋友或同事分享 .onion 地址是一种温和地影响他们仅使用 Tor 浏览器打开和浏览网站的方式。 通过这种方式,我可以保证他们不会在常规浏览器上访问它,冒着因访问敏感内容而被发现的风险,并因此将自己暴露在大量威胁之下。VPr免费翻墙网
如果您或您的组织有兴趣了解有关洋葱和洋葱支持的更多信息,请通过此表格联系我们:https://nc.torproject.net/apps/forms/s/bGswKTbTj8ikYb4oPen9W9ig。 您还可以在 Tor 项目论坛上提出问题并开始讨论。VPr免费翻墙网
The Tor Project 的 GitLab 上的洋葱支持小组VPr免费翻墙网
2022 年洋葱状况 | 洋葱无处不在VPr免费翻墙网
为什么要建立洋葱网站/使用洋葱服务? 亚历克·马菲特

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