New Alpha Release: Tor Browser 14.5a2
时间:2025-01-19 来源:torproject 作者:ma1 条评论
Tor Browser 14.5a2 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.
This version includes important security updates to Firefox.
Thanks to cypherpunks1 for contributing Developer Tools fixes.
Send us your feedback
If you find a bug or have a suggestion for how we could improve this release, please let us know.
Full changelog
The full changelog since Tor Browser 14.5a1 is:
- All Platforms
- Updated Tor to
- Updated NoScript to 12.1.1
- Bug tor-browser#43176: noscript-marker CSP warnings in the console
- Bug tor-browser#43282: Unable to click/tap/select anything adjacent the WebGL placeholders
- Bug tor-browser#43296: NoScript-blocked video content placeholder is not centered
- Bug tor-browser#43334: Developer Tools lacks data for Responsive Design Mode and Compatibility
- Bug tor-browser#43336: Move branding files out of torbutton
- Bug tor-browser#43337: Add branding files to translation CI
- Bug tor-browser#43338: Custom zoom + "Zoom text only" breaks pdfjs
- Bug tor-browser#43343: Remove YEC 2024
- Bug tor-browser#43345: Translation CI: Exclude android strings from the legacy branch
- Bug tor-browser#43352: Failing connection attempts to multicast IPv6 ff00:::443 logged during NoScript updates
- Bug tor-browser#43366: Do not use system accent color in inputs
- Bug tor-browser#43384: Backport security fixes from Firefox 134
- Bug tor-browser#43387: Rebase Tor Browser alpha onto 128.6.0esr
- Bug tor-browser-build#41328: Exclude tor dependencies from LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Bug tor-browser-build#41333: Update STUN servers in Snowflake builtin bridges
- Bug tor-browser-build#41338: Add CDN77 meek bridge
- Windows + macOS + Linux
- Updated Firefox to 128.6.0esr
- Bug tor-browser#43269: NoScript localization issue
- Bug tor-browser#43312: Download popup panel progress bar overflows
- Bug tor-browser#43320: Improve how bridge settings appear in search results
- Linux
- Bug tor-browser#43236: High refresh rate detectable by websites when Wayland (MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1) is used
- Bug tor-browser#43326: Launching tor-browser on gentoo fails with "version `OPENSSL_3.2.0' not found"
- Bug tor-browser#43330: System fonts leak when emptying the allow list on Linux
- Bug tor-browser-build#41311: AppArmor profile fails on Debian stable
- Android
- Updated GeckoView to 128.6.0esr
- Bug tor-browser#42651: Finishing bootstrapping kicks the user out of settings, interupting whatever they were doing
- Bug tor-browser#43024: firefox-android 128.1 rebase TODOs and patchset health work
- Bug tor-browser#43229: Buttons that open links can be accessed before torbrowser is bootstrapped, leaving the app in a bad state
- Bug tor-browser#43350: Remove all caps comment from android string
- Build System
- All Platforms
- Updated Go to 1.22.10
- Bug tor-browser#43373: Do not run all CI jobs for scheduled jobs.
- Bug tor-browser#43374: Run the
jobs independent of others - Bug tor-browser-build#41326: Remove var/torbrowser_legacy_version from rbm.conf in alpha/nightly
- Bug tor-browser-build#41340: Update kick_devmole_build script with Mullvad's new GitHub workflow endpoint
- Bug tor-browser-build#41343: Add signing step to clean some files such as test artifacts
- Bug rbm#40081: Support apt option for not installing recommended dependencies
- Windows + macOS
- Bug tor-browser-build#41349: Wrong copyright year makes build non-reproducible
- macOS
- Bug tor-browser-build#41325: Newer versions of 7z fail to extract our dmg files because of the /Applications symlink
- Bug tor-browser-build#41327: Print more logs when failed to generate mar file in dmg2mar
- Linux
- Bug tor-browser-build#41329: Do not install python2.7-minimal in the linux-aarch64 firefox container
- Bug tor-browser-build#41331: Make update_responses find linux-aarch64 mar files
- Android
- Bug tor-browser#42690: Add the commands to produce the APKs to tools/geckoview
- All Platforms