标题:Tor is released much stronger Ed25519 signing key algorithm for regular Tor relays
日期:2015-07-27 10:52:43

This, the second alpha in the Tor 0.2.7 series, has a number of new features, including a way to manually pick the number of introduction points for hidden services, and the much stronger Ed25519 signing key algorithm for regular Tor relays (including support for encrypted offline identity keys in the new algorithm).

Support for Ed25519 on relays is currently limited to signing router descriptors; later alphas in this series will extend Ed25519 key support to more parts of the
Tor protocol.
If you typically build Tor from source, you can download the source code from the usual place on the website.
Packages should be up in a few days.

Changes in version - 2015-07-27


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