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Tor at the Heart: Firefox

时间:2017-01-29  来源:torproject  作者:ssteele 条评论

Tor at the Heart: Firefox ZWz免费翻墙网

Posted December 30th, 2016 by ssteele in heart of Internet freedomZWz免费翻墙网

During the month of December, we're highlighting other organizations and projects that rely on Tor, build on Tor, or are accomplishing their missions better because Tor exists. Check out our blog each day to learn about our fellow travelers. And please support the Tor Project! We're at the heart of Internet freedom.ZWz免费翻墙网
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Firefox <3 Tor Browser

by Ethan Tseng and Richard Barnes

If you’ve used Tor, you’ve probably used Tor Browser, and if you’ve used Tor Browser you’ve used Firefox. By lines of code, Tor Browser is mostly Firefox -- there are some modifications and some additions, but around 95% of the code in Tor Browser comes from Firefox. The Firefox and Tor Browser teams have collaborated for a long time, but in 2016, we started to take it to the next level, bringing Firefox and Tor Browser closer together than ever before. With closer collaboration, we’re enabling the Tor Browser team to do their jobs more easily, adding more privacy options for Firefox users, and making both browsers more secure.ZWz免费翻墙网

The Tor Browser team builds Tor Browser by taking Firefox ESR and applying some patches to it. These changes add valuable privacy features for Tor Browser users, but having these changes also means that every time the Tor Browser team wants to use a new version of Firefox, they have to update the patches to work with the new version. These updates take up a substantial fraction of the effort involved in producing Tor Browser.ZWz免费翻墙网

In 2016, we started an effort to take the Tor Browser patches and “uplift” them to Firefox. When a patch gets uplifted, we take the change that Tor Browser needs and we add it to Firefox in such a way that it’s disabled by default, but can be enabled by changing a preference value. That saves the Tor Browser team work, since they can just change preferences instead of updating patches. And it gives the Firefox team a way to experiment with the advanced privacy features that Tor Browser team is building, to see if we can bring them to a much wider audience.ZWz免费翻墙网

Our first major target in the uplift project was a feature called First Party Isolation, which provides a very strong anti-tracking protection (at the risk of breaking some websites). Mozilla formed a dedicated team to take the First Party Isolation features in Tor Browser and implement them in Firefox, using the same technology we used to build the containers feature. The team also developed thorough test and QA processes to make sure that the isolation in Firefox is as strong as what’s in Tor Browser -- and even identified some ways to add even stronger protections. The Mozilla team worked closely with the Tor Browser team, including weekly calls and an in-person meeting in September.ZWz免费翻墙网

First Party Isolation will be incorporated in Firefox 52, the basis for the next major version of Tor Browser. As a result, the Tor Browser team won’t have to update their First Party Isolation patches for this version. In Firefox, First Party Isolation is disabled by default (because of the compatibility risk), but Firefox users can opt in to using First Party Isolation by going to about:config and setting “privacy.firstparty.isolate” to “true”.ZWz免费翻墙网

We’re excited to continue this collaboration in 2017. Work will start soon on uplifting a set of patches that prevent various forms of browser fingerprinting. We’ll also be looking at how we can work together on sandboxing, building on the work that Yawning Angel has done for Tor Browser and the Firefox sandboxing features that are scheduled to start shipping in early 2017.ZWz免费翻墙网

Finally, we should recognize the value of the continued collaboration between Mozilla and the Tor Project with regard to security vulnerabilities. The importance of this collaboration was on display only a few weeks ago, when we were both simultaneously notified of a zero-day exploit targeted at Tor Browser using a vulnerability in Firefox. Working together, we were able to develop, test, and ship a fix to both browsers in under 24 hours.ZWz免费翻墙网

The collaboration between the Firefox and Tor Browser teams is a great example of how Mozilla’s principles of openness and participation can help advance security and privacy in the Internet. We’re proud of all we’ve accomplished together with the Tor Project in 2016, and we’re looking forward to continuing to making the web more secure and more private.ZWz免费翻墙网


Firefox<3 Tor BrowserZWz免费翻墙网
Ethan Tseng和Richard BarnesZWz免费翻墙网
如果你使用Tor,你可能使用Tor浏览器,如果你使用Tor浏览器你使用Firefox。用代码行,Tor Browser主要是火狐有一些修改和添加,但大约95%的代码在Tor Browser来自火狐。火狐和Tor Browser车队合作了很长一段时间,但在2016,我们开始把它带到一个新水平,使Firefox和Tor Browser紧密联系在一起,比以往任何时候都。与我们密切合作,使Tor Browser队更容易做他们的工作,增加对Firefox用户更多隐私选项,并使浏览器更安全。ZWz免费翻墙网
Tor Browser的团队以火狐ESR和应用一些补丁,它建立的Tor Browser。这些变化增加了Tor Browser用户宝贵的隐私保护功能,但这些变化也就意味着每一个Tor Browser的团队想使用新版本的Firefox的时候,他们必须更新补丁的新版本。这些更新占用的努力参与生产Tor浏览器的很大一部分。ZWz免费翻墙网
2016,我们开始努力把Tor浏览器补丁和“提升”到Firefox。当一个补丁被提升,我们需要改变,我们需要和Tor浏览器添加到Firefox在这样一种方式,它默认是关闭的,但可以通过改变偏好的价值功能。救了Tor Browser的团队,因为他们可以代替更新补丁的喜好改变。它给Firefox团队以实验的方法与先进的隐私功能,Tor Browser的团队建设,看看我们能给他们带来更广泛的受众。ZWz免费翻墙网
我们在隆起项目中的第一个主要目标是一个名为第一方隔离的功能,它提供了一个非常强大的反跟踪保护(在打破一些网站的风险)。Mozilla基金会成立了一个专门小组采取甲方隔离Tor Browser在Firefox浏览器中执行,使用我们用来建造容器功能相同的技术。该团队还开发了彻底的测试和QA流程,确保在Firefox的隔离是在Tor浏览器是强大的--甚至确定添加更强大的保护方法。Mozilla团队与Tor Browser团队的工作,包括每周的电话和一个在九月见面。ZWz免费翻墙网
第一方隔离将纳入Firefox 52,为Tor Browser的下一个主要版本的基础上。因此,Tor Browser的团队不需要更新此版本的第一方隔离片。在Firefox中,第一方隔离默认是禁用的(由于兼容性的风险),但火狐用户可以选择使用第一方隔离去:配置和设置“隐私权。甲方。分离”到“真实”。ZWz免费翻墙网
我们很高兴能在2017继续这个合作。工作将很快启动一组补丁,防止各种形式的浏览器指纹。我们也会看到我们如何一起工作的工作大楼,沙盒,打呵欠的天使Tor Browser和火狐浏览器的沙箱,定于2017年初开始航运功能。ZWz免费翻墙网
火狐和Tor Browser团队之间的合作是多么的Mozilla的开放原则和参与的一个很好的例子可以帮助提高安全和隐私在互联网。我们很自豪我们所有在2016 Tor项目共同完成的,我们期待着继续让网络更安全、更私人的。ZWz免费翻墙网


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